The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWAI)

The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWAI) is a statutory Professional body established on May 28,1959 under the Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959 (Act No.23rd of 1959) enacted by the Parliament of India to regulate the profession of Cost and Management Accountancy in India over the years, the ICWAI has emerged as a leading professional institute in India and the second largest management accounting body in the world with focus on knowledge, training and research in the field of Management Accounting and Financial and Cost Management. The ICWAI syllabus, research, publications, training, MDP are renowned for exhaustive breadth and depth of knowledge. The ICWAI is recognized by the Government of India as a-Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO).

The ICWAI is committed
•    To develop the Cost and Management Accountancy profession.
•    To develop the body of members and properly equip them for functions.
•    To ensure sound professional ethics.
•    To keep abreast the latest developments in Management Accountancy, Cost and Financial Management.

The ICWAI is a Founder Member of International Federation Of Accountants(IFAC), Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants(CAPA), South Asian Federation of accountants (SAFA).    

The Graduate/Associate/Fellow members of the ICWAI are the professional Cost and Management Accountants of India. The headquarters of ICWAI is situated in Kolkata, and operates through four regional, councils (Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai), 94 chapters in India and 6 chapters abroad.


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  2. Nice commentary , I was enlightened by the information - Does someone know where I might get access to a sample IRS 1065 document to use ?
