Difference between Put Option and Call Option

          An options give the holder (firm) the right (not the obligation) to buy or sell an asset in the future at an agreed upon price today.

Difference between Forward Contract and Futures Contract

Forward Contract
      These are agreements where 1 party agrees to buy a commodity at a specific price on a specific future date  and the other party agrees to sell the product.
          Goods are actually delivered under forward contracts.
          Forward contract is a tailor made futures contract that is not traded on a organized exchange.
         Unless both parties are morally and financially strong, there is a danger that 1 party will default on the contract, especially if the price of the commodity changes markedly  after the agreement is reached.

Financial Ratio Analysis Formula

Financial statement analysis can provide clues to underlying conditions that may not apparent from individual financial statement components.
Significant business decisions are frequently made using one or more of the analytical tool. Here illustrate a number of analytical tools that help business decision maker obtaining business objective.

Cost Accounting Planning & Control by Adolph, Usry

Book Name: Cost Accounting Planning & Control


- Adolph Matz phd
Professor Emeritus of Accounting
The Wharton School
University of Pennsylvania
-Milton F. Usry phd, CPA
Regents Professor of Accounting
College of Business Administration
Oklahoma State University

Accounting Principles by Weygandt, Kieso & Kimmel

Book Name: Accounting Principles


-Jerry J. Weygandt Phd. CPA
Arthur Andersen Alumni Professor of Accounting
University of Wisconsin

-Donald E. Kieso Phd. CPA
KPMG Emeritus Professor of Accounting
Northern Illinois University
Dekalb, Illinois

-Paul D. Kimmel Phd. CPA
Associate Professor of Accounting
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Managing Accounting by H. Garrison, W. Noreen & C. Brewer

Book Name: Managing Accounting

-Ray H. Garrison D.B.A CPA
Brigham Young University

-Eric W. Noreen, Ph.D, CMA
Professor Emeritus
University of Washington

-Peter C. Brewer, Ph.D., CPA
Miami University-Oxford, Ohio